Guest Room Painting On A Budget in Denver Metro, CO.
When you have a guest room, you, of course, want it to look as good as possible but like any painting project, it can be extremely expensive if you’re not careful.
However, what you should know is that there are things that you can do in order to improve upon the look of the guest room without spending too much money — and if you take advantage of these things, you will know that you’ve gotten a good deal on your guest room painting project or at the very least will cut down the price a bit.
With that being the case, let’s have a look at some tips for guest room painting on a budget in Denver Metro, CO.
1. Look For Paint At Donation Centers
One thing that you’ll be able to do if you’re looking to save money on your guest room painting project is to look to purchase your paint at donation centers, where paint and painting supplies are donated in order to raise money for not-for-profit organizations.
Of course, the one thing that is going to separate purchases made at such centers other than the price can be that much lower is that you aren’t going to have any control over what color or colors you’re going to find there.
For some people, mind you, this is actually a bit of a fun challenge — to go to the painting donation center and to see what is available and then to take on the challenge of making use of the paint for painting the room with what you find.
2. Paint More Slowly
Though it may seem a bit odd, you can actually save a bit of money on your painting project if you paint more slowly, and the reason for this is fairly straightforward.
When you are painting a room such as your guest room, you might be tempted to go through it fairly quickly because you want to get the paintwork done and over with as soon as you can.
This would be a bit of a mistake, however, because all you’re going to end up doing is making the occasional mess — and these are the sorts of messes that are going to haunt you in the form of then having to go back and spend a good amount of time correcting these mistakes – and the time that you spend correcting these mistakes will be quite costly to you.
By not making mistakes in the first place, you’ll be able to cut down on the price of your project.
3. Primer Before Paint
The cost of your painting project is not just how much the project costs upfront – when you look at the project, you have to think of it in terms of how long the paintwork will look good before it finally becomes time for you to paint the area once again.
Anything that you are going to be able to do to stretch out the period of time between when you allow the paint to dry for the final time and when you next have to plan out a painting project is going to make the long term price of said painting project cheaper, one day at a time as it were.
So you should therefore carefully consider the importance of using a primer before you apply the first coat of paint — for doing this is going to not only make it that much easier for you to apply paint to the surface of the walls in the guest room, but it will keep the paint there longer.
Primer is going to make your guest room walls more receptive to paint and has adhesive qualities that will make the paint stay on better – and that is good for the long-term budget of your project.
Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.
Bathroom Cabinet Painting Mistakes To Avoid in Denver Metro, CO
Your bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the whole house – you can live in a house without a kitchen for years but how can you possibly live without a bathroom?
When you want your bathroom to look nicer, you may need to do things to improve upon the cabinets you have in there – after all, how better to hold the things in your bathroom than with the cabinets.
When painting your bathroom cabinets, it’s important to make sure that you avoid certain key errors that could lead to delays in getting it painted as well as an increase in how much it costs.
Let’s now have a look at some critical mistakes to avoid when painting your bathroom cabinets in Denver Metro, CO
1. Not Cleaning First
A critical error that people will often make when they’re looking to paint their bathroom cabinets is failing to clean the cabinets fully before you begin the painting process.
The reason that this can be such a big mistake is that by not cleaning, you are basically looking to have paint problems at some point – and some of the things that you are likely to find in the cleaning process are quite unpleasant and not a good thing to leave on under the coat or coats of paint that you add to the cabinets.
For example, leaving even just a little bit of mold or mildew on your cabinet surface will possibly lead to a large amount of mold and mildew finding itself on your bathroom cabinet surface.
2. Using The Wrong Kind Of Paint
There are of course quite a few kinds of paint but just because a paint is meant to be used on the surfaces found in the interior of your home, it doesn’t mean that it should be used in your bathroom on your cabinets.
The right kind of paint when it comes to painting your bathroom cabinets means that you should be making use of paint that is going to protect you from one of the biggest threats that come to the bathroom, which is in the form of mold and mildew.
There are specific paints that are resistant to moisture, and in doing so are also resistant in a way to possibly getting mold and mildew on them over time.
Granted, no paint will forever protect against mold and mildew but you have a much better chance of keeping mold and mildew away for at least a while.
3. Not Ventilating While Painting
In painting your bathroom cabinets, you have to be particularly careful to have some sort of ventilation system in effect as you are going to be working in an enclosed room that will have generally very little airflow unless you make sure to do something to make it otherwise.
For example, you are going to want to open the door to the bathroom so that any kind of fumes from the paint that can come about will have the opportunity to get out of the bathroom.
Of course, you might have a built-in fan system in the bathroom that will get the air out of the bathroom – this is often used when you are taking a bath or shower so that the room doesn’t get too full of steam from the bathing process — of course, having that kind of fan on while you are painting is also going to be a good idea.
Lastly, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a window open if that’s available to you so that fumes can further get out.
Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.
Home Gym Painting Mistakes To Avoid in Denver Metro, CO
In looking to make your home look better, you might not think about a room as important as your home gym – for a lot of people the presence of such a gym has made the difference between being able to stay fit and getting in better shape and not being able to do so.
Of course, it’s crucial that in taking the steps to improve your home gym (such as if you are to paint it) you avoid some of the unfortunate errors that might cause your home improvement project to cost more and take longer.
The good thing you should know is that with some good hard effort towards avoiding these kinds of mistakes, you’ll be able to help avoid them by and large.
Let’s have a look at some home gym painting mistakes to avoid in Denver Metro, CO
1. Using The Wrong Kind Of Paint
One thing that you can do that would be quite bad for your home gym is in using the wrong kind of paint to paint it.
There are of course so many kinds of paint that you can use, and you may wonder how it’s possible that one would be called the wrong kind of paint, and this is fairly simple – for one, if you are using exterior paint and you’re painting the gym, you are using the wrong kind of paint – fairly straight forward.
You’re also going to want to make use of a paint that perhaps will be easier to clean if such a thing is necessary – and you will know it is necessary if you find yourself making a bit of a mess on the walls (such as if you frequently touch them with your dirty hands or feet during the workout process)
If this is so, you will want to make use of a glossy paint – these are much easier to clean than flat paints.
2. Not Considering Colors
You don’t have to really go into a color scheme when you’re looking at painting your home gym, but since it is the space in which you’re going to be working out, it would be a really good idea to think about the color or colors that you are going to use to paint the walls.
It would be a shame if you were to go to the paint store and to just get whatever is on sale in terms of paint and then finish painting your home gym and suddenly realize that you hate the way that it looks – and that you wish it looked nicer with better colors.
Make the time instead to find colors that are going to look nice in your eyes both now and in the future, ideally, and you will be able to enjoy quite a long time of seeing these colors in your gym.
3. Leaving Everything Uncovered
You might think that you are going to be able to paint your home gym with great skill and that you won’t have any issues avoiding getting paint places
This is likely not going to be the case, and all that’s going to happen is that you’re going to find paint places where it does not belong, and the amount of time that you will spend cleaning up the paint will be quite great and unpleasant.
The better thing for you to do is to make sure that you cover anything that is not meant to be painted with either a tarp or drop cloth or even painter’s tape if that is possible, and that will stop the paint from getting in these places.
After all, paint is going to drip and all you can do is to stop it from getting places it doesn’t belong.
Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.
In looking to make your home look nicer, you may think about how each of your rooms serves a purpose and the extent to which painting will make a difference.
Your den, should you have one, is generally a more private area in which you may retreat – it’s not quite like a family room in which more people are welcome as it were, yet it has a sort of a comfortable appeal to it for those who spend their time there.
When you paint your den you want to have it ultimately look quite nice, and this is understandable as it’s your respite room and you want to feel at ease there.
Let’s have a look at some tips for painting your den well in Denver Metro, CO
1. Using The Best Kind Of Paint For Your Needs
One thing you’re going to want to do when you’re looking to paint your den is to make sure that you’re using the best kind of paint that is going to be appropriate for your needs.
Specifically, you should be looking of course for interior paint, but have you thought about how often you are going to need to clean the surface of the walls after they have been painted?
It’s entirely possible that you might bring food into the den and if that is the case there’s a good chance you will have to clean stains off of the walls that may come to be there – and if that’s the case you are going to want to make use of a glossier paint.
If, however, you have a strong amount of confidence in keeping the walls clean, you can pretty much use more flat paint and in doing so have in some ways a nicer looking paint finish (some people prefer flat) but bear in mind it will be nearly impossible to clean.
2. Clean Before You Paint
Speaking of cleaning, you are going to have to make sure that the surfaces that are going to be painted are properly cleaned and then allowed to dry before you paint.
There is sometimes a bit of a misconception among people that paint is just going to cover up everything that stands in the way and there’s no reason to clean because it’s just all getting covered with paint anyhow.
This is not the case at all and what you’re going to end up doing is making quite a mess and having paint mixed with the dirt that is on the surface of your walls, which you can just imagine is a rather unpleasant look all around.
3. Look To Furniture For Color Inspiration
There are of course going to be quite a few colors from which you’re going to be able to choose in terms of the color of the walls of your den and you should be careful in making this decision.
If you look to your furniture for inspiration for the color, you might find that it will help guide you in choosing a color or colors that are appropriate – these will be the colors that are not necessarily the same as the colors of the room but ones that complement them well.
4. Accent Walls Are Also Okay
Lastly, you should remember that not all of the walls have to be painted the same color or design and that is perfectly okay.
You can even make what people refer to as an accent wall, which is a wall that is distinguished from the other walls in the room in some manner – we may write a full article about accent walls in your den if there is sufficient interest.
Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.
Bathroom Ceiling Painting Tricks in Denver Metro, CO
In looking to improve the overall look of your bathroom, you may come to realize that you don’t know how long it’s been since the ceiling was painted- if it was even painted since you moved into your home, that is!
The thing to bear in mind in any given painting project is how critical it is to be well prepared both with the right materials as well as the knowledge of how to best get it done.
As this is the case, let’s now look at some bathroom ceiling painting tips in Denver metro, CO
1. Planning In Advance
One important thing you’re going to need to do when you’re looking to paint your bathroom ceiling is to plan out the project well in advance.
A mistake that people will often make when they’re getting ready to paint their ceiling is making the decision to paint said ceiling and then starting right away without any sort of planning beforehand.
It can be such a bad idea because you should plan ahead insofar as you’ll want to get the necessary supplies and equipment, and not feel as though you are getting them in haste, which will not allow you to get good pricing on them.
Moreover, it’s possible that not planning will cause your project to ultimately take longer – this is so because a lack of plan will mean that when it comes time to allow surfaces to dry, it may be the middle of the day and you’ll have no choice but to wait until the surfaces are dry – better planning would put drying times when you’re going to be able to do something else.
2. Make Use Of A Ladder
There are a number of ways that you’ll be able to get up to the ceiling and if you don’t want to make use of an extension pole for your paint roller, a ladder will be an excellent way to bring you close to the ceiling.
This is certainly a preferable alternative to trying to build a makeshift scaffolding system, which would be more difficult to get around the room, possibly more expensive, and very possibly more dangerous than a ladder.
3. There Are Choices Other Than White
One might think of the ceiling painting project and get a bit disappointed, thinking that the only color choice is white
This is not the case, however – there are many colors that you’ll be able to use for your bathroom, and white is only one of them.
It of course would be a good idea to consult the other colors of the room before making a choice on what color would coordinate well with those other colors.
4. Protect Surfaces
A generally good idea when you’re painting the ceiling is to make sure that the surfaces underneath it are well protected from dripping paint.
Even when you make use of special paint that is meant to be used with a ceiling painting project, this will only reduce the dripping that will take place and not eliminate it entirely.
Some will balk and prefer to just clean up any drips but rest assured that the time that you spend cleaning will be much greater than that which you would spend protecting the surfaces from the drips in the first place.
5. Remove Dust
Lastly, you should remember that before you apply the primer and the paint, you should fully remove any dust and other mess that may be on the ceiling.
Removing this kind of mess is important because it will help to prepare the surface for the painting process and will help keep the ceiling looking as good as possible.
Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.