Our Professional Denver House Painting Portfolio

Our skilled craftspeople take pride in quality painting and in the fine tailoring details of their work.


Our clients know that “Imhoff” is more than just our name. It’s a promise that we’ll exceed expectations from first consultation to final walk through and have done so since we began serving the Denver area in 2005.

Our Gallery

Why Denver Trusts Us to Paint Their Homes

"Doug's crew is the best in Denver. I'm a designer and have referred him to many clients, as well as used his expertise extensively in my own home. Highly recommend them!"

- Charlotte Gillespie

Interior Designer

“I should tell you that what I dreaded as a five-day intrusion into my life turned out to be a pleasant experience, not merely because of the care and technical excellence of your staff but because of their general decorum. They were a pleasure to have in the house. While this was no less than we’ve grown to expect from Imhoff Painting, it is nevertheless exceptional, appreciated.”

- Bruce

"We recently used Imhoff for some interior painting on our staircase. We are very pleased with the work they did...it turned out like we hoped it would. They are very organized and professional. Plan on using them for future painting projects."

- Dorothy

"Doug and his team are the best in the biz. They call back, they do great work and are very professional. So thankful I found them!"

- Sarah

"Very pleased with the work done by Imhoff Painting. We purchased a condo and had the entire place painted. The finished product was terrific and the pricing was fair."

- Michael

at imhoff painting,we can do

that for you.

Contact us to schedule an estimate!