5 Brick Painting Mistakes To Avoid When Painting Your Home Exterior in Denver Metro, CO

In painting the exterior of your home, it’s entirely possible that you’re going to notice that there is quite a bit of a difference between how things are when you are painting a home with a brick exterior versus painting the exterior when it is made of other materials.

It’s important to note that if you make certain painting mistakes in painting your brick exterior, you are very likely to suffer as a result and may ultimately cost you a lot to repair both in terms of time and money.

However, by avoiding these mistakes you can be sure that you’re not going to have at least some of these issues down the line.

Let’s look at five brick painting mistakes to avoid when painting your home exterior in Denver Metro, CO

1. Not Removing Mold First

One big mistake that people tend to make when they are looking to paint the brick exterior of their home is to not make the effort and time to remove the mold that may be sitting there on the surface.

Though some would have you believe that there is nothing wrong with leaving the mold on and that having even just a touch of mold on there is no big deal since you’re going to be painting anyhow, this is definitely not the case and you should be aware that all you’re really doing by this is setting yourself up for a long term failure on the exterior of your home.

Make the time to remove that mold and you will find that the paint job ultimately will look significantly better as a result.

2. Not Cleaning The Area At All

Next up in the perilous mistakes that a person might make while looking to paint their brick home exterior is that of not even trying to clean the area around where they are going to be painting.

The thing about home exteriors that needs to be understood is that whatever is in the area when you are trying to paint has a good chance of making its way onto your home exterior, depending on how well the grounds are protected, so to speak.

By cleaning the area, you are going to be doing right by your painting work in that you won’t have as much of a chance of having these things end up on the surface of your paint work.

3. Skipping The Primer Coat

In preparing to paint your home exterior, you should know that there’s a rather key part of getting the surface of your brick exterior ready to be painted and that is applying a coat of primer.

Making use of a coat of primer is a good way to ensure that your home’s exterior surface is more smooth and has the proper adhesion for the subsequent coats of paint.

4. Not Allowing Coats To Dry

In the world of painting your home exterior, there are as you may know more than one coat of paint and at least one coat of primer that will be applied to the surface.

If you want to make sure that things go well with your painting project, you have to make sure that you allow each coat to fully dry before you move on to the next step in the process.

5. Using The Wrong Kind Of Paint

Lastly, one of the biggest mistakes that people will sometimes find themselves making is just using the absolutely wrong kind of painting for painting their brick exterior.

There are so many kinds of paint that you can use for a brick exterior but there are also paints you should not be using – avoid using these paints (that are not meant for brick) if you want the paintwork to go well.

Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.

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