7 Home Maintenance Tips To Prepare For Winter in Denver Metro, CO
When you have a house, you are sure to find that maintaining your home and keeping it looking good are important things no matter what time of the year it is, but perhaps in particular as the winter rolls in and the weather starts getting rough.
There are certain things you need to do in order to prepare your home exterior for the winter, which are fundamentally important to do.
With that being the case, let’s now look at and consider seven home maintenance tips to prepare for winter in Denver Metro, CO.
1. Change Your Air Filter
One way to prepare for the winter is to change your air filter.
Sure, you know that air filters need to be periodically changed, but do you remember when the last time your filter for your heating and air conditioning system was changed?
It’s a good idea to change the filter so that you are breathing in clean air in your home and you won’t have to worry about it during the winter.
As you will see, your own heating and air conditioning system may have its own instructions for how to change the filter so make sure to check it out.
2. Clean Your Chimney
If you have a chimney, there’s a good chance that you’re going to fire it up at least a few times during the winter.
Since that will be true, you are going to need to be careful about what is or isn’t in the chimney — and you do this by taking the time to clean the chimney well before you light it the first time.
First, you will make sure that no animal has made its nest in the chimney during its offseason.
Next, you should make sure that the chimney is working properly by burning a little newspaper and seeing that the smoke works its way out.
3. Prepare Your Pipes
If you have any pipes that are in areas where they are going to be exposed to the bitter winter, it is a good idea for you to insulate the pipes to prevent the worst from happening — freezing water.
Doing this will prevent the water in the pipes from freezing and possibly breaking the pipes entirely.
4. Seal Your Windows
Next, think about your windows and how it’s possible that they could be allowing cold winter air to get into your home.
The more cold air that gets into your home, the more you’re going to ultimately have to spend time and money heating the home — so better to keep the windows sealed and prevent the cold air from getting in.
5. Check The Roof
The roof above your head is one of the most important things protecting you and yours from the brutal assault of the winter.
For one, if you have any shingles on your roof or tiles that have gone missing, you’re going to need to take the time to make sure that those are replaced or fixed.
While you are up there you should also check your gutters to make sure that they aren’t fully clogged and get them clean.
6. Put The Patio Furniture Away
As winter approaches, you may wonder what you need to do to make sure your patio furniture is safe.
As you know, patio furniture is not meant to stand up to the harsh nature of winter — so it is a good idea to put it away.
7. Test Your Heat System
Lastly, you are going to want to make sure that your heating system works — and that it works before you need it on a bitterly cold night.
The best way to do this is to give the system a test — run it one night and see that it does everything that it is supposed to do.
By doing this, you’re saving the possibility that it will fail when you need it most.
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