5 Kids Bedroom Painting Tips To Remember in Denver Metro, CO

When you’re looking to update the look of your home, one place that you may want to look is the bedroom where your child or children will be able to spend their evenings.

It’s one of the more important rooms in the house and as such is worth keeping up in terms of appearance — and one good way to do this is to periodically paint the walls.

There are some things you may want to know about when you’re painting the room that is going to make the painting project go better and it’s well worth knowing about them.

Let’s look at and consider five kids’ bedroom painting tips to remember in Denver Metro, CO.

1. Clean Before You Paint

One thing that you should remember when you’re painting the kids’ bedroom is how important it is to clean before you paint.

Whether you are painting the room for the first time (as in you are just moving into a newly built house) or you are painting a room that has been inhabited for a while, both the surface that is to be painted as well as the area near there should be well cleaned.

The surface you can probably understand (you don’t want to paint a dirty wall) but also you should clean near where you’re going to paint so that you don’t get dust or dirt in the paint while you are painting.

2. Stick With No-VOC Paint

There are all kinds of paint out there, of course, and while you may be aware of how low-VOC paintworks (having fewer emissions) you may not be aware that there is such a thing as no-VOC paint.

Though there are of course some caveats to using no-VOC paint and it is well worth looking into them before you commit to using it, you should know that there are many benefits to using such a paint for your child’s bedroom.

Studies connect more VOC being in the paint with health issues, and it lingers on beyond the time that the paint is applied in the room, so it behooves one to use non-VOC paint if possible.

3. Don’t Paint Too Quickly

The idea of painting your child’s bedroom is one that may cause concern as you will have a look around the room and realize how much there is to be painted.

Upon coming to this realization, you may wish to try to find ways that you can quicken the painting process, such as painting more quickly – but this would certainly be a mistake.

By painting too quickly you leave yourself open to the possibility of making painting errors, some of which you won’t even realize until the fruit of those errors show up years later — and by that point you’re going to have to take the time to correct and repaint the room, absolutely eradicating any time you may have saved by painting more quickly.

4. Prime Before You Paint

To ensure your painting project goes as well as possible, you should do what you can to get a smooth surface upon which you will be applying the paint.

By applying a coat of primer before you apply the first coat of paint, you will have a surface that is more adhesive, to which you should know the paint will stay better.

5. Allow Surfaces To Dry

Lastly, you should be sure that the surfaces that you are working on painting and even preparing to paint are fully dry before you move on to the next step in the process.

After you clean the walls, for example, it’s entirely possible that they will be still a bit moist depending on what you do to clean them — and so you should wait for them to dry before you go on to the next step in the painting process.

Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.

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