5 Baby Nursery Decorating Mistakes You Should Never Make in Denver Metro, CO

The baby nursery is quite a special room, in that the individual or individuals who spend the most time in the room are most likely to have not even one bit of criticism for the decoration of the room, which makes sense when you consider that your average baby is pretty much incapable of delivering the kind of withering criticism of a decorating job that one would expect from a person who wasn’t happy with how things were set up.

Despite this, there are some key decorating mistakes that you can quite easily make that would make the room particularly more unpleasant than if you knew about them and in some cases, a bit less practical so to speak.

Let’s now look at five baby nursery decorating mistakes you should never make in Denver Metro, CO.

1. Wall Hangings That Are Overly Heavy

One thing that you’re going to want to absolutely avoid if possible is the kind of wall hangings that are overly heavy, and there are a couple of reasons for this.

For one, you don’t know when your baby is going to start grabbing at things when you are walking them around the room — and if they pull at something on the wall that’s overly heavy that is generally bad news.

Moreover, if you have wall hangings that are too heavy you are pretty much risking the possibility that the hangings are going to pop off of the wall and possibly cause harm or damage to anything… or anyone underneath.

2. Keeping Supplies Too Far From The Baby Changing Station

When you are making use of the baby changing station, if you are at all familiar with how things go you will know well that it’s fundamental that you keep the supplies related to the task close at hand.

By not doing this, you are basically taking a risk that in the time that you are away from the station that the baby may have a bit of a tumble – never something you want to happen to your baby while you are attempting to change their diaper!

3. Second-Hand Cribs

Another thing you should bear in mind when you are designing your baby’s nursery is that in most cases you should not make use of a second-hand crib.

This is because you don’t know the source of the crib, and in many cases, the laws that are now relevant to how cribs may be designed are going to be different from those that were in place when your crib was designed and sold.

One such example is how it used to be okay to sell cribs with a drop side and now it is absolutely not okay to make or sell cribs like this and if you get a second-hand crib it very well maybe like this.

4. Not Protecting The Window

There is one thing that you’re going to absolutely need to be sure to do when you are making up your nursery and that is to be sure to protect any window properly.

Though you may look at the baby in the room and think that there’s just no way that the baby could possibly get anywhere near the window, it’s just a matter of time (and not that much time) before the baby goes from being barely able to move on their own to be able to crawl and you’ll need properly protected windows.

5. Not Making A Good Floor Plan

Lastly, you have to make up a good floor plan when you are looking at designing your baby’s nursery.

Yes, it is true that a baby’s nursery is not going to fundamentally have all that much in it, yet despite this, it is better to make a floor plan so you’ll know where to put things.

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