5 Tips For Laminating Furniture in Denver Metro, CO

The process of laminating furniture is one in which you take plywood and make it into really spectacular looking furniture, or when you take your average countertop and make it into one that is both resistant to water along with being durable.

The work that you’re going to have to put into laminating your furniture might seem like it will be quite difficult but you are going to find that it will be well worth it given the results that you’re going to get from it.

Let’s now look at and consider five tips for laminating furniture in Denver Metro, CO.

1. Be Prepared With The Right Supplies

There are many essentials that you’re going to need in order to properly laminate furniture, and if you don’t have just about all of them, it’s going to be considerably more difficult.

These are going to be things like a pressure roller (more on this later), safety equipment, contact cement, sandpaper, a router, a table saw, and a screwdriver for helping you properly open up your glue.

The good thing about having all of your equipment handy at the beginning of the project is that you are going to know that you will be best prepared to get the job going and that you won’t have to pause the job midway to go to the store and get supplies.

This is why it is important to plan out the full laminating project from beginning to end, so you’ll know that you have everything that you need.

2. Have All Of Your Safety Gear

Some of the most important bits of equipment fall under the category of safety equipment, namely the equipment that you’re going to need in order to protect yourself during the process of applying the laminate to your furniture.

These will be things like eye protection as well as earplugs, and ideally, a way to have some sort of eyewash in the unlikely occurrence that the eye protection is not enough and you get some dust or the like near your eyes.

3. Take Care When Cutting Laminate

Before you’re going to be applying the laminate to your furniture, you’re going to need to cut the laminate first so that it is the right shape for your furniture.

In cutting the laminate, you are going to need to make use of some sort of table saw, and this will be one place in which the protective ear equipment will come in really handy.

You’ll also want to employ the old adage about measuring more than you cut because it is far better to measure something a few times than to have to throw out some laminate because you did not measure it correctly.

4. Removing Misplaced Glue

When you are applying the glue to the laminate, there’s always the possibility that you’re going to get glue places where you do not want it to be — and if that does happen to be the case, you don’t have to think that the end of the world is coming.

The good news is that if you happen to get glue in places where it does not belong, you can use an acetone solution to remove the glue.

5. Pressure Rolling

Lastly, please be advised that the best thing that you can do in terms of making sure that your laminate furniture looks as good as possible is to apply some pressure rolling to the surface.

What this accomplishes is making sure that the laminate has been properly attached to the surface of the furniture, giving it the appearance of furniture that really has that texture and surface all the way through, so to speak.

Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.

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