5 Tips For Cleaning Your Popcorn Ceiling in Denver Metro, CO
If you have a popcorn ceiling in your home, you have something increasingly rare — for people don’t tend to get popcorn ceilings installed anymore (they can be quite messy), and those that do have them will often get them entirely removed.
For those people who like the look of their popcorn ceiling enough that they want to keep them (or don’t want to bother with the process of removing them) and as such, cleaning is something that comes up now and then.
With that being the case, here are five tips for cleaning your popcorn ceiling in Denver Metro, CO.
1. Test For Moisture Sensitivity
Before you start cleaning your ceiling, you need to know if it is sensitive to moisture and what extent.
You want to do this because there are various sensitivity levels that a popcorn ceiling can have to moisture, ranging from light sensitivity, meaning that you can use a little liquid to clean, to extreme sensitivity, meaning that any exposure to liquid would cause damage.
If you test out a small area of the ceiling, you will be able to ascertain if your ceiling is, in fact, sensitive to moisture.
2. But First, Test For Asbestos
Actually, before you do anything else, you should be sure that your popcorn ceiling does not contain asbestos — a rather toxic substance that is quite bad for your health and made up a lot of popcorn ceilings made up until the late 1970s.
If your home was built before 1979, there is a chance that your popcorn ceiling could contain asbestos — and if that ends up being the case, you are not going to be able to clean it yourself but rather will have to hire a professional company that will be able to do it for you.
There are various testing kits to see if your ceiling has asbestos — and it’s well worth testing before you get started.
3. Dust — And Spider Webs And Cobwebs
When you have dust or even spiderwebs or cobwebs on the surface of your popcorn ceiling, it can look quite unpleasant.
You need to bear in mind that it is more than just a nuisance – it is something that you have to clean up not too long after you see it as it can really dirty up your ceiling in the long term if you don’t take care of it.
Get a good feather or microfiber duster, and you’ll be able to remove this surface dust from your popcorn ceiling properly.
For a particularly bad spiderweb problem, you can turn to special tools that can really grab onto the web and remove it.
4. Dabbing Is Best
Even if your popcorn ceiling can stand up to a little bit of moisture, it’s best to limit how much it gets, and so when you make a good cleaning solution (perhaps of dish soap and water to tackle grease, for example), you shouldn’t spread it on as much as you should dab it where needed.
By doing this, you don’t get your ceiling too moist and therefore don’t possibly cause significant damage to it – it’s really the safest way to go about doing it.
5. Duct Tape For Dust
Lastly, consider the strength of duct tape and a good long handle — for taking on some really hard to reach dust.
All you have to do is to wrap some duct tape, sticky side out, of course, around a long handle (like a broom handle), and then poke the newly crafted sticky trap up toward the dust.
It’s important to note that you have to occasionally change the duct tape as it will get dirty and lose its ability to capture new dust.
Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.
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