7 Things You Should Know About Exterior Painting in Denver Metro, CO
When you have a home, you need to paint the exterior from time to time — it is a necessary part of your home ownership whether you are the one who does it or you get a professional painting contractor to assist you.
There are many aspects to exterior painting that are useful to know when you are engaging in a painting project, some of which involve the preparation of the exterior of your home.
That said, here are seven things you should know about exterior painting in Denver Metro, CO.
1. The Best Way To Start Is To Plan
Before you lift the paintbrush for the first time, you need to make a plan for the exterior painting project.
A plan like this entails figuring out when you are going to paint your home’s exterior as well as what materials you are going to need, including how much paint you are going to need.
By planning your exterior paint job prior to starting it, you are going to save quite a lot of time that could be otherwise wasted as well as money in the long run.
2. Painting Helps Find Exterior Flaws
When you paint the exterior of your home, you are bound to find any exterior flaws that may exist, be they areas of the siding that have holes in them that need to be repaired or issues with mold that certainly need to be treated sooner than not.
Because you have to thoroughly examine the exterior of your home prior to starting, these issues come up and therefore can be treated before they develop into worse issues.
3. Not All Paint Is Created Equally
When it comes to painting the exterior of your home, you need to make sure that you are using the right kind of paint.
For one, this means that you need to make sure that you are using exterior paint when you are painting the exterior of your home just as you should use interior paint when you are painting the interior of your home.
Exterior paint has certain qualities that protect the home — UV protection being one of them, and being one of the reasons that home exteriors need to be repainted from time to time as the UV protection fades over time.
4. Quality Over Low Price
Though some will have you believe that you can get just any paint that’s available for sale as well as the equipment that is involved in painting, this is not at all the case.
Lower quality paint, for example, tends to spread less easily and it also does not last nearly as long — you will find that it fades quickly.
5. Choose The Right Time Of Year To Paint
It’s not always the best time of year to paint the exterior of your home.
If it’s too cold, for example, it will take too long for the paint to dry and that is not good for the painting project as a whole.
If on the other hand it is too hot, the paint will dry too quickly and it will cause numerous issues with the paint.
6. Do Not Paint While It’s Raining Or Snowing
The exterior of your home should be dry before you paint it and thus you should not paint while it is either raining or snowing.
For best results you are going to want to hold off until the forecast calls for dry weather before you begin your painting project.
7. Sand And Scrape Peeling Paint
When you have peeling paint on the exterior of the house, you are going to want to scrape and sand those areas and then apply a coat of primer.
The two things — the sanding and the primer — will ensure that the painting area is smooth and thus be best for painting.
Don’t settle for just any painter when you can get the attention to detail and professionalism from Imhoff Fine Residential Painting in Denver Metro, CO. Call us today to speak with one of our professional color consultants.
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