Choosing A Type Of Paint Finish For Your Space

Choosing A Type Of Paint Finish For Your Space

A space’s paint finish has to do with how much sheen the paint on your wall has when it dries. The types of  paint finishes range from being flat or matte to high-gloss. In between we have eggshell, satin and semi-gloss. These options can get a little overwhelming, so here are some things to consider while choosing a type of paint finish for your space.


The more sheen a paint finish gives you, the more expensive it can be. Sometimes, investing the extra bucks can also mean the paint is of better quality. Putting on a high-gloss coat ensures that you don’t have to worry about paint chipping off in just a year or two. If you feel that it’s too expensive, you can lower the sheen and choose an eggshell or satin finish. This finish won’t provide as much protection, but will fall into a more an affordable price range.

Paint color

It’s a common notion to believe high-gloss is always the best choice. However, just because the wall looks ultra shiny does not mean the sheen is well suited for the color. In fact, darker shades of paint already have a lot of gloss in them, which boosts the sheen. When high-gloss is further applied it might end up highlighting the flaws of the wall, if the surface is not well prepared beforehand.

Movement in the room

Lower sheen can equate to dirty walls, so keep in mind the purpose of the room being painted. In the kitchen we often use a variation of high-gloss to ensure that grease generated while cooking does not stick to the walls, and can be easily cleaned off. Similarly, you can balance out that ultra shine with a flat finish on upper walls and ceilings and low-traffic rooms because less traffic means less dirt accumulation.


Before you choose the finish of your wall, consider why you are choosing sheen instead of just regular paint. Sheen can work as a cover up for rough walls. On the other hand, matte can create a sculptural finish on the wall. Choosing a different finish for just one wall in the room can also add to the character of a room without too much effort. Not only that, changing the sheen can also alter the undertone of the color you paint on your walls.

Play with light

Sheen is a great light reflector. Use it to your advantage to brighten up a dark or small space. On the contrary, you can also use matte finish on the walls of a larger space to give off a cozy feel to your otherwise airy space. Given that the paint finish can impact the overall feel of your space, consider all your options.

The finish of your walls can be altered and customized to benefit your needs. It can also be used to enhance or diminish the effect of light, space and color psychology. Plan and paint your walls with a finish that you will enjoy and embrace!

Most Popular Kitchen Wall Colors

Most Popular Kitchen Wall Colors

Your dream kitchen can never truly be complete without a great wall color. You may have envisioned the layout of your kitchen space but ultimately it is the wall colors that will determine whether the outcome is grand and beautiful or plain sad and boring.

If you have been unable to decide what color to choose, this list of 5 popular kitchen wall colors might be helpful.


Because most people start their day in their kitchen, white walls are a great inspiration. Light and energizing, the color will instantly brighten up your room and day. It also feels clean and fresh and makes cooking in it an enjoyable and almost calming experience. White is also an easy color for you to match with shelves, cabinets and other accessories. You can have fun by adding in pops of color with your counter tops and back splash.


Red is another popular color because it is believed that such warm colors stimulate the appetite. A versatile color, various shades of red can be used to really make your kitchen lively and vibrant. Though some consideration is necessary because red is a very strong color. Because red is bold, it can overpower the room and if not used sparingly, your room may feel too dark. When used properly, red kitchen walls are great for setting up a different mood in the kitchen from other parts of your home.


Green is a great color that works very well with other parts and features of the kitchen. Colors such as apple green and mint compliment white and wood accents which are usually abundant in most kitchens. It is also a color that is earthy and soothing. Similarly, it lends an organic vibe and makes your cooking experience more exciting and natural. More striking shades like emerald green can be used for accent walls, cabinets, ceiling or floors to add a jolt of energy.


In recent years, gray has burst into the scene as a reliable and exciting neutral color. Most people choose to paint their walls gray and it can also work wonders in the kitchen. Gray, which is a soft color can ground kitchen space and can create calm in an otherwise very busy room. It is also a color that pairs very well with more vibrant colors. Gray walls and red cabinets or gray counter tops and blue shelves pair beautifully to create a sophisticated space.

Gray is often accused of being too cold, but, this can be avoided by choosing a right shade that takes into account the colors of cabinets and counter tops and also the amount of light entering the room.


Just like a ray of sunshine immediately brightens up a room, yellow can also light up a room. Like red, yellow is also known to stimulate hunger. Yellow is a good option if your kitchen space is relatively small because it can brighten up a room and make it look bigger than it really is. It is a popular color among kitchen colors because it gives off a happy vibe too.

But, before settling on a color, you might want to consider going through magazines, catalogs and the internet to get an idea of the different shades and how to use them.