Getting good cut lines while you are painting isn’t always easy when you don’t have experience. If you consider yourself to be a novice painter, then you likely have issues with this. Thankfully, it is going to be possible to get good results as long as you follow these handy tips. They will allow you to get the professional looking cut lines tha you desire and it won’t be too difficult to achieve.
Buy the Right Paintbrushes
Before you even start with your painting, it is imperative that you purchase the right paintbrushes for this task. Buying a high-quality brush is going to give you better results when you’re painting. An angled sash brush is going to give you the results that you’re looking for. These brushes can make painting a fine line much simpler, allowing you to have the best looking cut lines.
You should think about the size of the brush that you are using as well. If you are painting an indoor room, then a brush that is two and a half inches wide is going to work nicely. A smaller brush may be optimal if you are working with painting a window or something else that is smaller. Using brushes that are smaller will be better for doing more detailed painting as you can be more accurate than you would be able to with a wider paintbrush.
Make Use of Your Paint Pail
It’s smart to transfer your paint from your paint can into a dedicated paint pail. You can fill your pail with just enough paint to do the job. Somewhere around one inch of paint would be good as you don’t want to put too much in there. Too much paint in your pail will wind up making you dip the brush too deeply and this can make the painting sloppy.
Avoid Wiping the Paintbrush on the Side of Your Pail
You should avoid wiping your paintbrush on the side of your pail. This is something that a lot of people do but it isn’t the best way to accomplish this task. Leave a bit more paint on the brush and simply pat the brush against the sides of your pail. This way, you will have more pain to work with and it won’t be messy.
Move Your Paintbrush Back and Forth Lightly to Get Into Corners
Painting corners can be somewhat difficult, especially for new painters. If you want to paint the corners properly, then moving your paintbrush back and forth lightly is going to help you to accomplish this task. You can move it from the left to the right very softly and you will apply the paint to the corner properly. Remember this technique if you are having trouble covering certain corners.
Cutting Along the Ceiling
Cutting along the ceiling is one of the most difficult parts of this painting task. Luckily, it can be a bit easier when you know how to approach it. Start painting a bit below the ceiling line and work your way up to it. You should use just the tip of the edge of your paintbrush to paint the line along the ceiling.
This may feel tough at first but it takes a bit of a light touch to get it right. Establish a line along the ceiling and then you can add more to it later. Just do your best to keep everything straight. After you have cut in the line properly, you can finish up the paint job near the ceiling by thinning the edge of your paintbrush and smoothing everything out with more paint. This will ensure that the paint will look right by the cut-in edge and you will be able to move on to painting the entire wall.