The days of having to choose between pink and blue for your child’s room are long gone.

This antiquated boy versus girl color split has taken a back seat to ensuring an individualized aesthetic appeal and, not so surprisingly, making prudent paint selections based on the psychosomatic effects of environmental color schemes during the early developmental stages.

Color Transitions From and Emotive and Cognitive Perspective

Over the past several years, ever since pre-adolescent mental health transformed into a monumental aspect of parenting, psychologists have been delving into the effects of children’s room colors, namely with regard to how various shades, accents, and hues can trigger behavioral responses, mood shifts, and beneficial changes in temperament.

However, it’s not about manipulating your child or projecting your own preconceived notions; it’s simply about understanding the heavily corroborated, scientifically proven effects of colors on the human mindset:

  • Yellow and gold are closely linked to better concentration and improved memory, meaning that yellow-colored surroundings are the perfect option for workspaces and desk areas; in other words, the backdrops where he or she tends to do homework. But be sure to balance it out with a soft gray or cerulean blue to avoid overstimulation.
  • Brown, tan, and earth tones represent the ultimate base in terms of stability and steadiness, which enables parents to create a simple nature-based canvass on one of the walls. You don’t need any complicated stencils or wall art, just some painter’s tape to create outdoor-colored striping on the secure, brown-tinted backdrop.
  • Green is commonly utilized in counselor’s offices and classrooms because it positively alters neural activity when reading and learning. Cool, minty colored greens can synergize with brown bases to lend a sense of organic comfort and consolation, which is the ideal combination for an overly anxious or apprehensive personality.
  • Blue tints can be likened to green hues, as they have demonstrated the ability to assuage blood pressure and normalize respiratory rates, but an overabundance of blue will create a depressing or dulling effect. This is why cheerful yellow polka dots and self-assured red geometrics are popular accent options for ocean blue or cobalt backgrounds.

As you might imagine, the essence of color palettes for children’s rooms relies on sequential transitions and a slightly more complex approach than a uniform coat throughout the space.

Creating an Epic Plan That Can Adapt as the Child Ages

Believe it or not, a single gallon of paint can effectively cover about 400 square feet of wall space, and an unopened can will be useful for up to a decade, which makes it relatively easy to conceptually split the room in half and create a multi-year plan with a single trip to your community paint shop.

Prior to the age of five, you’ll want to pay close attention to your progeny’s behavioral tendencies and acclimate his or her bedroom to underpin and support intrinsic traits; just use the above-mentioned guide to tailor each wall appropriately. Then, once the child’s individuality and independence begins to blossom, you can coordinate succeeding paintjobs with his or her unique proclivities and partialities.

Painting your little one’s bedroom is an enriching, very personal experience, and now you have the tools to recreate and redefine this integral part of your child’s life, so start organizing your ideas today.