When it comes to selecting colors for our home décor, we stick to what we see in social media or to colors we are hardwired to like. Color consultations keep in mind your tastes and trends to come up with what appeals to a larger audience. Here are 6 reason why you should book a color consultant before selecting colors for your painting project.

Color Psychology

Any color used in décor can have a very strong impact on people. A color consultant is perhaps the best person who can accurately name shades that work best for you and your family. They can link the needs of our mind with a color to balance and add to a soothing comfortable décor. You might be able to state orange used in walls has a positive effect on a child’s brain but a color consultant will be able to tell you what specific shade of orange works best for your child’s room in accordance with lighting and space.


We may know stuff we read here and there, but color consultants are trained experts. If you are sick, you pay a visit to a certified doctor. Similarly, if you are feeling confused between colors, pay a visit to a color consultant. You may be a big fan of blue, but only a consultant can specify and explain the extensive number of undertones blue has.

They put your need first

Color consultants are hired to cater to your needs. You may think that you already know what you want and need, so why get a consultant? A consultant will actively participant in the discussion and refine your thoughts and wants to create a harmonizing color palette. 


A consultant will most likely have handled many more clients like you and they’ve experienced all the pitfalls that can arise when furnishing a space. In fact, once you brief them about your needs, an experienced consultant will be able to tell which shop to go to and what exact item you should get while having already calculated how the color will reflect with the space and shape of the area.

Cost efficient

If you’ve ever painted a room, you know that the color you chose on that little color swatch, rarely looks like the final result on your walls. The lighting and decor of the room has a major effect on how the color will look once it’s  been painted on and dried. Color consultants have the experience to foresee this and will have a much better idea of what the final color will look like when all is said and done. This dramatically reduces the chance of you having to paint again once you have finished.

Whether you are planning to repaint one room or your entire house, a color consultant is the person who will clear your doubts and lead you through the most colorful path.