Choosing A Type Of Paint Finish For Your Space

Choosing A Type Of Paint Finish For Your Space

A space’s paint finish has to do with how much sheen the paint on your wall has when it dries. The types of  paint finishes range from being flat or matte to high-gloss. In between we have eggshell, satin and semi-gloss. These options can get a little overwhelming, so here are some things to consider while choosing a type of paint finish for your space.


The more sheen a paint finish gives you, the more expensive it can be. Sometimes, investing the extra bucks can also mean the paint is of better quality. Putting on a high-gloss coat ensures that you don’t have to worry about paint chipping off in just a year or two. If you feel that it’s too expensive, you can lower the sheen and choose an eggshell or satin finish. This finish won’t provide as much protection, but will fall into a more an affordable price range.

Paint color

It’s a common notion to believe high-gloss is always the best choice. However, just because the wall looks ultra shiny does not mean the sheen is well suited for the color. In fact, darker shades of paint already have a lot of gloss in them, which boosts the sheen. When high-gloss is further applied it might end up highlighting the flaws of the wall, if the surface is not well prepared beforehand.

Movement in the room

Lower sheen can equate to dirty walls, so keep in mind the purpose of the room being painted. In the kitchen we often use a variation of high-gloss to ensure that grease generated while cooking does not stick to the walls, and can be easily cleaned off. Similarly, you can balance out that ultra shine with a flat finish on upper walls and ceilings and low-traffic rooms because less traffic means less dirt accumulation.


Before you choose the finish of your wall, consider why you are choosing sheen instead of just regular paint. Sheen can work as a cover up for rough walls. On the other hand, matte can create a sculptural finish on the wall. Choosing a different finish for just one wall in the room can also add to the character of a room without too much effort. Not only that, changing the sheen can also alter the undertone of the color you paint on your walls.

Play with light

Sheen is a great light reflector. Use it to your advantage to brighten up a dark or small space. On the contrary, you can also use matte finish on the walls of a larger space to give off a cozy feel to your otherwise airy space. Given that the paint finish can impact the overall feel of your space, consider all your options.

The finish of your walls can be altered and customized to benefit your needs. It can also be used to enhance or diminish the effect of light, space and color psychology. Plan and paint your walls with a finish that you will enjoy and embrace!

Why Should You Choose A Glossy Paint Finish?

Why Should You Choose A Glossy Paint Finish?

After you have chosen the interior color of your choice, it is important for you to choose the type of paint finish. While choosing a paint finish you can pick from a matte, satin or glossy finish. Although each type of finish has its own set of pros and cons, a glossy paint finish gives noticeably better results and is more long lasting in comparison to other paint finish. Still wondering why should you choose a glossy paint finish? Here are a few compelling reasons:

Moisture Resistant

Paints that result in a glossy finish are a harder and tougher in texture than paints with a matte or satin finish. So, these paints will ensure that the painted surface is moisture resistant and will prevent cracks on the paint that are triggered from humidity trappings or pipe leakages within the walls.

Durable and easy maintenance

Not only do they prevent severe chippings but also their sheen and ultra- shiny exterior, make it user friendly and easy to clean. It is the perfect type of finish for houses with messy young children and animals as the cleaning process only requires a cloth and some soap water. In case you’re apprehensive about painting your walls with a glossy finish, here is some good news. It is also the best suited paint for cabinets, doors and edges that are commonly touched and prone to discoloration.  Above all, a glossy paint finish also reflects light off of its surface, giving the room a luminous feel that can brighten the space.

But the main reason why glossy paint finish is the most practical option because it is the one paint job that can give you results that is worth every penny of your spending. Matte finish or flat finish paints get dirty easily and matte surfaces cannot be cleaned with soap and water without ruining the walls and damaging the paint. All of which make a glossy paint finish the most durable and user friendly finish option.

Child friendly

No points for guessing why glossy finish paints are the best option for your kitchen, bathroom and children’s bedrooms. These areas are arguably spaces that are most prone to dirt, grime, mold and grease from grease, humidity and fingertips, respectively. Given that these spaces require extra cleaning a glossy finish is great as it can be cleaned easily until your next paint job.


Glossy paints come in a variety of glossiness that you can choose from. Full-gloss paints are the most durable and cost effective paints but they do bring out the imperfections on your wall, particularly if you haven’t spent enough time on preparation. Semi-gloss paints manage to provide an easy to clean finish while attracting less attention towards the wall imperfections. While other paint finishes do not have the spectrum to choose from, with glossy finish you have this luxury because you can choose the percentage of sheen based on your preference.

Plus, a glossy paint finish need not be restricted to your walls as they are well suited for wooden furniture, cemented areas and even trims on closets. If you choose to a glossy paint finish for your walls, the extra paint left over from wall painting can be used to paint small pieces of wooden furniture such as side tables and nightstands.

This is why a glossy paint finish could be the best painting investment you make.

6 Tips To Assess The Price Of Your Paint Job

6 Tips To Assess The Price Of Your Paint Job

One thing that everyone wants during any project is to find a perfect balance of quality and price. The same thing applies to paint jobs as well. You surely don’t want to be paying a large sum of money for a lousy paint job and get ripped off. So, here are a few tips to assess the price of your paint job:

  1. Prep time: If you want your paint to last long, then you should have a smooth base which does not have any kind of spots and stains. One simple thing you should consider while hiring any contractors or painters is the time they allot as cleanup and prep time. This is something you might overlook as you go through the total amount estimate. To avoid cost leakages make sure you ask for a tentative breakdown allotted for labor hours and materials.
  2. Area of your space: One of the key factors in determining the total cost of your paint job is the surface area of the space you intend on painting. We all know that the price of painting your whole house will cost more than painting just a couple of rooms. So, avoid comparing apples and oranges and make sure you compare the price that you are paying based on the total area that you are going to paint.
  3. The paint: There are different brands of paint available in the market that are of different quality and price. It can be a tough choice, but, you can evaluate your paint based on quality and the price of the paint. If the quality seems reasonable for the price you are paying, then you got a good bargain but if it is not, then you are paying a lot more than what you actually should. Also, another thing you should consider is that some companies often boast that their premium paint are self-priming and that one coat of it will be enough. Others, purposefully don’t mention the number of coats required which can lead to your walls being chalky and you having to redo your entire your space from the start.
  4. Hidden costs: Some contractors will charge extra for things such as moving large furniture or to paint ceilings or modules which are taller than the standard height. Given that these things require extra effort for the contractors they need to make sure they have their costs covered. So, make sure you ask your contractor about all their costs to avoid unexpected expenses.  
  5. Materials: Before your paint job and after you decide on a contractor, ask them for a list of materials that is required for the paint job and the work that should be done on the that you intend on painting. By doing this, you will be aware of all the components involved in the paint job and will be equipped to estimate the price.   
  6. Environment: One thing that most people forget to consider while assessing costs is the weather conditions. If the weather is too hot or cold or the humidity in the air is too high, then you will have to take extra precautions to maintain the proper consistency and the drying time which might cost you. So, go ahead and discuss this with your contractor.

The next time you paint or repaint your space, keep this tips in mind to ensure you get your money’s worth.

Do Walls Need To Be Primed Before Painting?

Do Walls Need To Be Primed Before Painting?

Primers are one of the saving graces to any dry, cracked, and uneven walls. Prepping your walls with primer before painting is an integral part of the painting process because primers act as glue, and it adheres to your walls, leaving you with a smooth and uniform surface to paint. Although skipping this step might seem tempting, the results will almost always be disappointing as paint applied to un-primed surfaces are prone to peeling, cracking, and chalking. A good primer job improves the paint’s hide and the ability to cover and reduces the number of coats of paint required to achieve a smooth finish. So, including priming in your paint job will help you get your money’s worth by requiring fewer coats of paint and making the paint job more durable. In order to guide you through the priming process here are 5 things you should know about primers before painting your walls:

Types of primers

There are different types of primers available for various purposes, and if not used properly, the paint might not adhere to the surface properly. Wall primers are either available as oil-based or latex-based. Oil primers are used for surfaces that have chalked and cracked up paint. On the other hand, latex primers are used for dry walls and to provide a flexible finish with cracking and peeling resistance. The best part about latex primers is that they can be cleaned using soap and water.

Application surfaces

All primers must be applied to clean, grease-free surfaces (for some, the surface must also be moisture free). Any type of residue left on the wall might cause a hindrance to the primer and get in the way of the smoothness of the coats of paint. Lightly sanding the surface before you begin priming is something you can try to make sure your paint job is great. If you choose to sand, make sure you clean up the dust by using a damp cloth to ensure there isn’t any surface residue when you start priming your walls.

Cover up option

Primers can be used to cover up a dark wall, paint a lightly colored wall, or simply paint over another dark color. Some of you might think that a primer might not be necessary for the latter option, but covering a dark-colored wall with another dark color is a challenging feat, and if you don’t follow the right steps, the result might not be how you pictured it. Also, using a primer will prove to be a lot cheaper as only a couple of coats of primer and one coat of paint is sufficient to cover up the surface compared to the 6-7 coats of paint alone. A great tip is to tint your primer gray to further reduce the number of primer coats.

Durable and Cost-Effective

The biggest selling point of primers is probably the fact that they help make your paint job more durable and make it more cost-effective. Plus, in the process, primers help adhere the paint to your walls properly, which is cost-effective and makes your paint job aesthetically appealing. Even though it might seem like an extra cost to you now, in the long run, it will save your money as using a primer will prevent your surface from being chalky, cracking and will make your paint job last a lot longer.

Drying Time

The average drying time of the primer and when you apply the topcoat depends on the manufacturer of the primer. It can vary anywhere from a day to a week. If you fail to follow the directions, it may trigger performance issues and cause adhesion problems. Another thing that you must consider while letting your primer dry is the humidity and the temperature. Most recommend putting on the primer when the temperature is around 75 degrees Fahrenheit (or 25 degrees Celsius) and with a humidity of about 50 percent.

Prepping your walls with a primer is definitely not a step you want to miss during your paint job. While you’re at it, make sure you pay attention to these 5 tips.